Welcome to the Criminal Procedure Act 2009

The Criminal Procedure Act 2009 has been in operation for a few years now. While there continues to be interpretation and amendment of its provisions, the transition from the old legislation to the new has successfully been made, and a blog exclusively dedicated to the Act is no longer necessary.

If you're looking for a frequently updated blog on general legal matters in Victoria, have a look at Quis Custodes Ipsos Custodes? by the same authors.


56. Multiple charges on single charge-sheet or multiple accused named on single charge-sheet

56. Multiple charges on single charge-sheet or multiple accused named on single charge-sheet

(1) If a charge-sheet contains more than one charge, the charges must be heard together unless an order is made under section 58.

(2) If a charge-sheet names more than one accused, whether in the same charge or separate charges, the charge or charges against all accused must be heard together unless an order is made under section 58.

(3) A separate charge-sheet must be filed against each accused.


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